Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Is POTS dead?

No profound insights or innovative solutions to talk about today. Just a bit of navel-gazing.

We're getting more and more war stories of broadcasters unable to find a "real" POTS line at a venue from which they need to broadcast. The phone jacks they used to rely on get terminated in a VoIP switch. POTS codecs rely on a very intricate modem balance on a phone line. And VoIP systems treat modems like a weed on a putting green-- A nuisance to be destroyed.

Of course the answer is "Go IP", but that's a pretty cold response to someone who doesn't have the budget for shiny new hardware. And IP codecs are still hot commodities hard to find on Ebay. POTS codecs are relatively easy and cheap to find there (possibly a testament to their demise?)

It's really hard to gauge how rough things really are-- we don't hear about the successes as often as the failures. But at a minimum it seems those who show up assuming that RJ-11 is connected to the CO by a pair of copper wires will be disappointed in short order.

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