Thursday, September 25, 2014

Some other cool things that connect to Comrex codecs

We've recently done some interoperability testing with our ACCESS and BRIC-Link codecs with a couple of companies you might find interesting

1) Backbone Networks is a company out of Westborough Mass that can supply you a "station in the cloud". They handle almost all details of automation, telephone integration and distribution of your station, and you run the whole thing from a MacBook. Most clients are Internet or College broadcasters, but they have signed up some "old school" stations and were interested in codec compatibility to allow distributing their programs to existing stations. Testing was done over the summer of 2014 and they can now stream their programs to your Comrex codec using G.722 (with Opus hopefully soon to follow)

2) ipDTL is a UK company that specializes in making WebRTC easy for remote broadcasters. With a subscription, they will provide a service allowing you to connect two computers (running WebRTC-capable browsers) together via Opus for remote broadcasting. They have achieved compatibility with Comrex codecs, so you can "dial" directly from your browser to your ACCESS/BRIC-Link codec. (Readers of this blog know this is already possible for free via GetOnsip, but ipDTL gives you an option with real support--albeit not free).

1 comment:

  1. MicroSIP Lite also works well using G.722 codec and can be configured to auto answer incoming calls originated from a Comrex ACCESS.
