If you're a LiveShot/ACCESS Verizon LTE user in the US, your wireless modems will likely have a choice between the "standard" LTE band 13 (700MHz) and the "XLTE" Band 4 (AWS-1700/2100MHz). When I say your
modems will have a choice, I mean it literally, since
you can't easily choose in software.
We've been conducting tests in the Boston area for an upcoming sporting event, (mid April, hint hint), and our results on Verizon have been disappointing. Conveniently, the codec firmware gives you an indication of which band your modem has chosen. And it seems that whenever offered the chance, modems along the "route" will gravitate to the higher Band 4. Our working theory is that Verizon is trying to keep it's primary Band 13 as clear as possible.
We ran some tests with our modems locked to the lower band 13, and performance was dramatically improved. So the next theory was that the XLTE band, due either to RF or backhaul limitations, was vastly inferior to the standard band.
Since our sales director works from the Atlanta market, we ran a test there as well. But the results were quite different. A single modem working the XLTE band there easily delivered HD video with low delay at around 6Mbps.
So much for theories.
So it seems to be a regional thing. If you're experiencing poor Verizon performance on
Comrex Connect modems, you can lock out XLTE by going into the following location:
Network Devices->LE910-SVG->SIM (sim_number)->Show Advanced Items->Extra Modem Init
and adding the following:
AT#BND= , ,1000
Be careful because it will stay that way unless changed back.
To change it back to default, enter
AT#BND= , ,1008
(there is a space between the = and the comma and between the commas)
You only need to reboot the modem once with this setting, and you can clear the field after.